Thursday, August 18, 2005

San Francisco Essentials

ive got my aviator shades, i have my over sized glamor shades, i have my sleek black button down coat, i have my variety of sparkles for both eyes and lips, i have some mesh black little slip on shoes, i have my latte in hand, so yes, i would say i officially have the San Francicso Essentials down pat!
DO YOU????

Thursday, August 11, 2005

being 29, cute and knowing/loving it!

today is one of those days when i feel very attractive and fit. since i moved to san fran i walk at least 4 extra miles a day, due to not wanting to leave my parking spot and also just to revel in this amazing city i live in. at any rate, today i walked to the gym, which is about 25 minutes from my house, and also in the castro distrcit of san fran, if you still don't know what i mean then to put it bluntly the fag area of town. don't get me wrong, i call my best freind a fag and don't have any negative feelings toward fantastic gay men. i went to the gym then wandered into a cute store and bought this lovely brown, woven, sexy tank top. it fit me perfecto and i had to have it, even though it was 30 bucks and i don't get paid till monday and have about 70 bucks till then. sometimes you just have to buy a shirt. anyhoo, my hair is up in some fun pigtales with swirl-es amd curls. i feel healthy young happy and alive, and attractive. i am out the door to tahoe, have a steller weekend.